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License Errors on IIS Servers

There is unfortunately a small problem with Microsoft IIS web servers - these servers don't know / have a MIME type for the ".license" file extension by default, and in this case then these servers don't deliver the file. As result of this the krpano license file will not be loadable and a LICENSE ERROR will happen.

You can test this by trying to open the url of the license file directly in the browser:
When you get a 404 Error and maybe also see on the server information that the web server is an IIS Server (or by looking at the HTTP response header) then it's probably the IIS problem.

Solution 1 - Use embedded licenses

Instead of using an external license file it would be also possible to use swf files where the krpano license is embedded. In this case the external license will not be needed to be online anymore and so also the IIS Problem will be solved.
Since krpano version the krpano Tools / Droplets are automatically generating swf files with embedded licenses by default. For manually generating swf files with embedded licenses - the "krpano Protect Tool" can be used - just start it and save/generate a new swf file with it - the license will be embedded in the generated swf file.

Solution 2 - Change the license filename and extension

Change the filename of the "krpano.license" file to a other filename with an extension that the IIS Servers knows.

For example, rename:
krpano.license -> license.xml
or any other name:
krpano.license -> anyothername.gif

And then set the new name of the license file in the HTML file with the "license" parameter.
Here an example when using the default swfkrpano.js embedding script:
  var viewer = createPanoViewer();
  viewer.addVariable("xml", "pano.xml");
  viewer.addVariable("license", "license.xml");

Solution 3 - Change the IIS Server settings

Note - you need to have access to the IIS Microsoft Management Console on the IIS Server to change these settings. Not all web-providers with IIS Servers are providing this access.

  1. Open the IIS Microsoft Management Console (MMC), right-click the local computer name, and then click Properties.
  2. Click MIME Types.
  3. Click New.
  4. In the Extension box, type the file name extension that you want (for krpano: ".license").
  5. In the MIME Type box, type "application/octet-stream".
  6. Apply the new settings. Note that you must restart the World Wide Web Publishing Service or wait for the worker process to recycle for the changes to take effect.

Have also at the Microsoft IIS Help and Support pages - the instructions above where taken from there - Microsoft Help and Support.