xml.url is empty value

  • Hi, Klaus,

    for example

    <action name="startup">
            loadscene(get(scene[0].name), null, MERGE, BLEND(1));

    use "o" to see, pls

    INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    INFO: xml.url=
    INFO: xml.scene=scene_air
    INFO: xml.content=<krpano><image><cube url="object/0/air.tiles/mobile_%s.jpg" /></image><autorotate enabled="true" speed="1" /><view fovtype="MFOV" hlookat="0" vlookat="0" fovmin="60" fovmax="140" fov="100" /></krpano>
    INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Hi,

    sorry, you're right - when using loadscene() the xml.url is empty as well...

    A loadscene(name, ...) is internally basically a loadxml(get(scene[name].content), ...) - so both calls finally run into the same code path where the xml.url will be set to empty.

    Currently this behavior is intended (because it's not the originally loaded xml anymore), but changing this would be possible...

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    sorry, you're right - when using loadscene() the xml.url is empty as well...

    A loadscene(name, ...) is internally basically a loadxml(get(scene[name].content), ...) - so both calls finally run into the same code path where the xml.url will be set to empty.

    Currently this behavior is intended (because it's not the originally loaded xml anymore), but changing this would be possible...

    Best regards,

    Hi , looks like xml.url is still empty when using scenes, is there a workaround ?

  • Hi,

    yes, it's still empty because that's intended, I wrote it 'would be possible' to change that...

    About 'workaround' - you could use the onxmlcomplete event and store the xml.url value when it is not empty:

    <events onxmlcomplete="if(xml.url, copy(my_xmlurl, xml.url)); trace(my_xmlurl);" />

    Best regards,

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