CUBESTRIP formant -> "strip" and "rotate" do not work on html5

  • Why does it work in Flash , but not in HTML5?

    <image type="CUBESTRIP">
    <cubestrip url="pano-cube-pano2vr.jpg"/>
    <left strip="2" rotate="-90" />
    <front strip="1" />
    <right strip="3" rotate="+90" />
    <back strip="4" />
    <up strip="6" rotate="+180" />
    <down strip="5" rotate="-180" />

    If I can not make it work , I have to reprocess more than 1000 images that were generated via Pano2VR.

    Can anyone tell me if there is solution to this case? Attached image.

    If someone can generate the XML without changing the picture, please send me.

    I do not speak English very well, I used the Google translator, excuse me.

    Thanks for listening!

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