HOtspot working in flash but not in HTML5

  • The create hotspot working in flash .But when using html5 its creating hotspot but not visible.
    I think the reason is because opacity is 0.
    I tried to change the opacity 1 but it not changing .How can i change the opacity ?

    I tried by this way to change the opacity.

    krpano().call("set(hotspot[hs" + id + "].scale,0.5)");
    krpano().call("set(hotspot[hs" + id + "].zorder,5000)");
    krpano().call("set(hotspot[hs" + id + "].alpha,0.5)");
    krpano().call("set(hotspot[hs" + id + "].zoom,false)");
    krpano().set("hotspot[hs" + id + "].ath", array[0]);
    krpano().set("hotspot[hs" + id + "].atv", array[1]);

    here the scale and zorder is changing but not the always showing opacity 0.

    please help me . I am trying this from 2 days .

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