• Hi

    I'am working on a disclaimer page inside KrPano that can be toggled to get more information about the object. I have no problem to load images and display text there but i wondered if it's possible to embed a Youtube Video there or something from another provider that gives me the embedding code?

    Thanks for your answers!


  • i would like to embed 3d model on sketchfab. how to do
    the code of sketchfab is

    <div class="sketchfab-embed-wrapper"><iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://sketchfab.com/models/aba23531911c45439067a6e0aaccad07/embed" frameborder="0" allowvr allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" onmousewheel=""></iframe>
    <p style="font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; margin: 5px; color: #4A4A4A;">
        <a href="https://sketchfab.com/models/aba23531911c45439067a6e0aaccad07?utm_medium=embed&utm_source=website&utm_campain=share-popup" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Kokura Castle</a>
        by <a href="https://sketchfab.com/avatta?utm_medium=embed&utm_source=website&utm_campain=share-popup" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">AVATTA</a>
        on <a href="https://sketchfab.com?utm_medium=embed&utm_source=website&utm_campain=share-popup" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Sketchfab</a>
  • Try this code, it shows the Sketchfab model properly. Replace the the iframe source to your model's url:

    <plugin name="text"
    html="[iframe src='https://sketchfab.com/models/0000000…000000000/embed' frameborder='0' allowvr allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen='true' webkitallowfullscreen='true' onmousewheel='' width='640' height='360'][/iframe ]"
    align="center" x="10" y="10"

  • that's great. i also set the embed code with some parameter such as autostart=1 transparent=1 . it works with autostart but transparent. and it works in html files.
    i wonder if it doesn't work because of textfield.swf?

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