colour problem with conversion from windows to mac

  • hi everybody i have a slight problem ...
    i was using krpano with no problems on windows but now when i switched to mac the logo colors have changed to orange colours when i run the program on flash player ?????..any suggestions?

    Thanks *smile*

  • Maybe your old monitor wasn't calibrated correctly or you used another colour space. Can you show the logo?

    0100011101101100011001010110100101100011 0110100000100000011010110110110001100001 0111010001110011011000110110100001110100 0110010101110100001011000010000001001010 0111010101101110011001110110010100101110 0010000001000101011000110110100001110100 0010000001101010011001010111010001111010 0111010000101110

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