Adding look to gives error

  • When I add a look to to my scene I get an error-
    <scene name="scene_Entrance" title="Entrance" onstart="lookto(-90,-5,100,smooth(100,50,20);updateradar();" thumburl="panos/Entrance.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" heading="">

    WARNING: Locally not trusted - ExternalInterface NOT available!
    ERROR: no parent "skin_thumb_0" found

    If I take it out it goes away??????

  • Hi,

    it can be a problem that the 'lookto' action is blocking all other actions too long and therefore the thumb image (skin_thumb_0) isn't ready when the thumb-border-image will be assigned via 'parent' to it.

    When a 'parent' is set but that element is not there, krpano will wait a bit, but when it is still not there after some waiting time, then the error will be reported and the waiting stopped.

    You could try either using an 'non-blocking' lookto or put the whole lookto call into a short delayedcall() to let the other 'onstart/onnewpano' events do their work.

    e.g. eiher:

    onstart="lookto(-90,-5,100,smooth(100,50,20),true,true); updateradar();"


    onstart="delayedcall(0.1, lookto(-90,-5,100,smooth(100,50,20)); ); updateradar();"

    Best regards,

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