- krpano Flash Panorama Viewer (1.0.8) - RELEASE NOTES ============================================================================= NEW FEATURES 1.0.8 (state - BETA 9 - 2010-02-21) VIEWER: - Flash10 support - automatically use of the new Flash10 rendering possibilities - without a Flashplayer 10 the standard Flash9 rendering is used - Flash10 allows a perfect 3D distorted drawing of "flat/linear" 3D images - for optimal quality and performance use cubical panorama images - the usage of Flash10 can be set/switched dynamically - for spherical and fisheye distorted panoramas the usage of Flash9 rendering is recommended for better performance - new parameters for - flash10="on|off" - enable/disable Flash10 usage - movequality10="HIGH" - move quality setting for Flash10 - stillquality10="HIGH" - still quality setting for Flash10 - these parameters have no effect when using Flashplayer9 - direct support for QUICKTIME QTVR (.mov) files (at the moment only cubical) - xml usage: - the "setview" attribute can be used to enable the using of the view settings from the mov file - direct support of ZOOMIFY images (ImageProperties.xml) - xml usage: - with setview="true" the default view parameters are changed to fisheye="0" and view.maxpixelzoom="0.95" - new '%g' (=group) parameter for the tiles paths, this allows using zoomify tiles manually - supports PARTIAL and CYLINDER panorama images - new attributes - hfov - horizontal field of view of the pano image (default=360) - vfov - vertical field of view of the pano image ( (default=automatically calculated) - voffset - vertical offset to align a not centered partial pano - note - the preview image can/will be also partial - support for 2x3 or 3x2 cubestrip images - "strip" attribute - ordering from lefttop to rightbottom - Pannini Projection - view.pannini="true|false" - view.stereographic and view.fisheye must be also set to get an effect - new "progressive" loading - for multi-resolution / Zoomify panoramas - one level after the other will be loaded down to the current view - the image becomes sharper and sharped with each level - the loading can be slower because more tiles must be loaded - enable/disable it in the tag with the "progressive" attribute - default="false", only for Zoomify it's "true" by default - "view.maxpixelzoom" - can be used instead of "view.fovmin" - the limitation of the zoom will depend of the image size of the panorama - "maxpixelzoom" set the maximum zoom of the original image that is allowed e.g. maxpixelzoom="1.0" will allow a maximum zooming to an 1:1 view - "view.fovtype" - sets the type of the fov value: - VFOV - vertical field of view (default) - HFOV - horizontal field of view - DFOV - diagonal field of view - MFOV - max. field of view (either vertical or horizontal fov) - "view.limitview" - new limitview modes: "fullrange" and "offrange" - "fullranges" - limits the zooming and moving range to the full image - "offrange" - limits only the moving range to the full image - e.g. - xml parsing changes: - all attributes that begin or end with "url" are now automatically parsed as urls, - if the url was relative, it was made relative to the xml in which it was declared - new internal caching - all elements will be automatically cached - e.g. when one image is used several times it will be downloaded only once - variables: - network.caching = true|false - network.cachesize = 7 (MB) - as xml: - logkey="false" - disables now also the debugging keys (note - these keys are only available in the beta version) - "prealign" parameter to rotate/align the panoramic image, - usage: - example: - auto-detection of preview image type when no "type" was defined - "SPHERE","CYLINDER" or "CUBESTRIP" - a new concept to store more panoramas in one xml file: - there can be more nodes in one xml - a scene will be identified by it's name - in every node all krpano sub nodes can be used e.g. , , , , ... - a scene is handled like a new external xml file - load a scene via loadscene(): - loadscene(scenename,parameters*,flags*,blend*,onstart*) - scenename - the name of the scene - * all other optional parameters are the same like in the loadpano/loadxml actions - with using the "keep" attribute and the MERGE load flag it is possible to mix global and local parts (e.g. plugins) - a can have it's own onstart event e.g. - new