ERROR: soundinterface - loading of "indexdata/sounds/sound0.mp3" failed

  • <events onloadcomplete="playbackgroundsound(indexdata/sounds/sound0.mp3,0);"/>
    my xml file define the event code like up.
    and my html code like down
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var swfPano = embedpano({ swf: '<%=Url.GetScenicSpotSwfUrl(Model.ScenicSpot.Id) + "index.swf" %>',
    xml: '<%=Url.GetScenicSpotSwfUrl(Model.ScenicSpot.Id) + "index.xml" %>',
    id: "realScenicPlayer",
    target: "RealScenicContentDiv"

    the html is aspx file , Stored in different folders.

    when I open the page, player show this message: ERROR: soundinterface - loading of "indexdata/sounds/sound0.mp3" failed
    but my other image file can load. and How can I Setting the mp3 path.

  • the code:
    <krpano version="1.0.8">
    <events onloadcomplete="playbackgroundsound(indexdata/sounds/sound0.mp3,0);"/>
    <panoview h="0" v="0" fov="90"/>
    <view fisheye="0" limitview="lookat" vlookatmin="-90" vlookatmax="90" fovmin="0.01" fovmax="179" fov="90" hlookat="0" vlookat="0"/>
    <preview url="indexdata/index1/preview.jpg"/>
    <image type="CUBE">
    <left url="indexdata/index1/3.jpg"/>
    <front url="indexdata/index1/0.jpg"/>
    <right url="indexdata/index1/1.jpg"/>
    <back url="indexdata/index1/2.jpg"/>
    <up url="indexdata/index1/4.jpg"/>
    <down url="indexdata/index1/5.jpg"/>
    <hotspot name="spot0" onclick="loadpano(index2.xml);" url="indexdata/graphics/spots/spot1.swf" onhover="showtext(TextInfo);" ath="330.574" atv="-5.04425"/>

    <events onloadcomplete="playbackgroundsound(indexdata/sounds/sound0.mp3,0);"/>

    When the static html the sound can play. but when I Integrated into my system, the Error is show.
    Code like this:
    <div class="RealScenicContent" id="RealScenicContentDiv">
    <table width="640" height="400">
    <tr valign="middle">

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var swfPano = embedpano({ swf: '<%=Url.GetScenicSpotSwfUrl(Model.ScenicSpot.Id) + "index.swf" %>',
    xml: '<%=Url.GetScenicSpotSwfUrl(Model.ScenicSpot.Id) + "index.xml" %>',
    id: "realScenicPlayer",
    target: "RealScenicContentDiv"

  • Hi,

    I think the "playbackgroundsound" is a custom action which will be generated by Autopano Tour or Panotour Pro,
    it should be defined in the first xml,

    about your problem:
    how are the html, xml and swf paths?

    as solution to make sure about the path relations try adding - rootpath="%SWFPATH%" - to the <plugin> definition of the soundinterface plugin,

    then the path in the playsound actions should be the relative to the swf file,

    best regards,

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