Polygon Hotspots disappearing on load

  • I have edited a virtual tour to include the slide-blend-cubes slider, my problem is when Include this option any polygon hotspots appear then once the pano loads they disappear. When moving the slider the polygon fades in slightly, so it is there??

    Any ideas anyone? I have tried adding zorder but nothing seems to work.

  • Hi,

    Funny to see you also working on measurements, i think (?).
    We already have this working, measure real life distance/sizes from panos.
    Very nice. Curious where you will go with this and how.
    Please get us updated.

    I'll have a look in the code.


    i see this:

    <hotspot name="line145" polyline="true" zorder="1" enabled="false" group="measurements" visible="true" keep="true" fillcolor="0xaaaaaa" fillalpha="0.5" borderwidth="2.0" bordercolor="0xff0000" borderalpha="1.0" >
    	<point ath="-23.112682330144196" atv="23.811584008357385" />
    	<point ath="-8.193024782834982" atv="28.757984957828022" />

    can you set that to zorder2="10" or so and let us see with clean cache?

    not sure but i think:


    Tuur *thumbsup*

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