SOLVED: "Scrolling textfield" again... Editing dimensions of textfield/sliders: which parameters to change?

  • Hello,

    Maybe this is of general interest: I'm trying to adjust the parameters of the standard KRPano scrolling textfield, but I feel lost. My textfield shall have a higher "height" value, but the only part I seem able to edit according to my needs is the height of the slide area ["scrollbar"-layer], not the slider ["scrollslider"-layer] itself and its position. So which values to alter?

    Any help appreciated very much...


    This is the original XML-part of it, for those who want to have a quick glance at it...

    Edited once, last by mstoss: solved problem (November 20, 2013 at 11:49 AM).

  • I've asked the same herre:

    Updating "Scrolling Textfield" example

    Scrolling text is a tough nut to crack inside xml...

    Is you want to adjust height, then all height of all elements must be altered. Textbox's height is 200px, then we have a textmask with 190px and scrollbar with 190px. So increase all of these relatively.
    If you wish to increase the height of the "scrollslider" then

    a) make a corresponding image
    b) adjust its crop to your needs (E.g. crop="0|0|24|24" instead of crop="0|0|19|19")
    c) look into "dragging(); action. There's a maximum bottom y position for the slider:

    if(ny GT 157, set(ny,157));

    you should increase it also proportionally.

    Hope this gives a bit of help.



  • Thank you Alexey,

    I had been aware of your similar question, hence teh "again" *wink* However, I did understand that you were fighting with relative dimensions of your textfield.

    Anyway, I kept on going trying to fiddle with the parameters and in the end I succeeded - I guess:

    As you said, the general dimensions where easy enough to understand, but my concern was, where to change the limitations of the sliding areas. In the example above I just adjusted the height value by adding 200px and so I did with those other values.

    Anyway - thanks again for helping thinking on this issue *smile*


    Edited once, last by mstoss (November 20, 2013 at 12:18 PM).

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