• Hi,

    I am new to krpano and would appreciate very bit of help on the subject. I have implemented krpano in android device in flash. I need help in implementing it using HTML5. I will be very grateful for any help provided since I wish to buy the full version I need to first figure how things can be done.
    I embeded the html by embedpano({...html5:(navigator.userAgent.indexof("Android") >= 0 ? "prefer" : "auto")}), however I can see only dark screen once the pano is loaded. Can someone please tell how this issue can be resolved.

    Also the pano that I am using is having some hotspots which work pretty fine on the desktop but do not seem to be working on android. I tried looking around every place possible for help but could not figure this out.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • What version of KRpano did you use? Can you upload your panorama online? In some reason, HTML5 does not working on local computer. You have to publish your tour online OR install virtual web server on your local PC.


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