• Hi,
    I have a small problem setting zorder on touchdevices...
    I have hotspots wich displays textfield onover, and I set the zorder of the hotspot onover to be sure it will be always on front :
    <style name="trait_hotspot" onover="set(zorder,5)" onout="set(zorder,1)" url="icons/trait.png" edge="bottom" devices="desktop"/>
    this works perfect on desktop flash and html5

    Now I would like to have the same thing on touchdevice so instead of using onover and onout and used ondown and onup
    <style name="trait_hotspot" ondown="set(zorder,5)" onup="set(zorder,1)" url="icons/trait.png" edge="bottom" devices="mobile|tablet"/>

    Texfield is displayed but zorder is not set ?
    Is this a bug or is there a workaround ?

    here is the tour you can test on ipad|iphone : http://www.irealite360.com/univ/

    Thanx for looking !

  • What does the trace(); of the zorder show? What if try forcing the tooltip layer to zorder="5" every time when a hotspot is pressed?

    Something like this:


    You have the same names for hotspots and plugins, so get(name) will refer to the needed plugin.



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