Simple Picture for Flyout Example Usage (and Implementing Example has Strange Results on Flyback)

  • I was looking at that example on the website of the picture flyouts and I'm trying to incorporate it in my pano. The one that's used as an example is too complicated. I'm just looking for a simple way to put an image (can be the picture image or even a placeholder icon) that when clicked does the flyout and when clicking again anywhere it shrinks back.

    I've tried to straight up copy the code but I can't seem to get it implemented. Could someone explain it like I'm 5? I've been trying to get this for quite awhile now.

    Here's the link:…e-hotspots.html

    thank you very much!



    I got it working with the example images, however I'll have to play with the settings to get them where I want. It would be cool if you could also adjust the brightness/contrast, add some filters so you could blend the images into you scene; that would be hot!

    The only problems I see at this time is that when I flyout an image and click anywhere other than the image I can still look around in the panorama. So if I look 180 degrees from the position of the flyout and then click to return the flyout to it's original place it will stop elsewhere and no longer be clickable. One solution would be to disable navigation (looking around) when the image has been flown out. Any ideas?

    The other problem I see is that I have to pre-size all the images. Is there anyway to limit the size of the full image to a maximum amount?

    Edited 2 times, last by Tebasaki: clarification and discovery of new issues (December 20, 2013 at 6:25 AM).

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