How to make a scene opaque

  • I have a help button that will display an image with some help info.
    I would like to make the current visible scene opaque(dimmed out) while the help image is displayed.

    Does anyone know how I might go about doing something like this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi! Just use a layer with "type=container" and "width=100%" and "height=100%" and bgalpha=0.7" (or 0.5 or whatever you want it) color of the layer can be adjusted via "bgcolor" setting. Set alpha of the bg layer to 0. Your info layer will have zorder=2 while this bg layer will have zorder=1 so that the info is above the bg. Then set any onclick action which will tween the bg layer to alpha=1. So the pano behind it will be dimmed. And then an action which will tween it back to alpha=0 and hide info. And that's it.



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