can't change the background color to white

  • Hello,

    I want to have my image displaid on a white background color (on a flat krpano). If I change the background-color of the html page, it starts on white but immediately displays the pano on a black background... How can I switch to white background ? My whole website is on white background...

  • Thanks for the answer. I'm a photographer nont a web developer, here is my xml content, could you telle me where and how to write this element ?

    <krpano version="1.16">
    	<include url="skin/flatskin.xml" devices="desktop" />
    	<view fovtype="HFOV" limitview="fullrange" hlookat="0" vlookat="0" maxpixelzoom="1.0" />
    	<preview url="archi_09.tiles/preview.jpg" />
    	<image type="CYLINDER" hfov="1.00" vfov="0.749294" voffset="0.00" multires="true" tilesize="512" progressive="true">		<level tiledimagewidth="8855" tiledimageheight="6635" download="view">			<cylinder url="archi_09.tiles/l5/%v/l5_%v_%h.jpg" />		</level>		<level tiledimagewidth="4428" tiledimageheight="3318" download="view">			<cylinder url="archi_09.tiles/l4/%v/l4_%v_%h.jpg" />		</level>		<level tiledimagewidth="2214" tiledimageheight="1659" download="view">			<cylinder url="archi_09.tiles/l3/%v/l3_%v_%h.jpg" />		</level>		<level tiledimagewidth="1107" tiledimageheight="830" download="view">			<cylinder url="archi_09.tiles/l2/%v/l2_%v_%h.jpg" />		</level>		<level tiledimagewidth="512" tiledimageheight="384" download="view">			<cylinder url="archi_09.tiles/l1/%v/l1_%v_%h.jpg" />		</level>	</image>
  • It's not that complicated - compare my example from above with your posted xml code.

    That mean - just change this line:

    <krpano version="1.16">

    to this one:

    <krpano version="1.16" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF">

    Beside of this I would recommend using the 1.17 version - that flat skin has improved there and HTML5 is also support for flat panos.

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