Move viewer location?

  • Hello,

    I've been using KrPano for a while now but on a very basic level, meaning that all I have been doing is dragging each of my panos onto the droplets to create the files needed and then uploading these to my website in separate folders per pano, however, I now want to update the viewer for each of my panos so I will have to re-create and upload all the files again so, is there a way to store the viewer only on its own in a separate folder on my webserver so I can update those files easily?

    My panos are accessed via a link in a PDF (I have a map in the PDF) so would this cause any problems?

    Many thanks in advance!

  • You can have one krpano.swf and link in html to that krpano.swf and the xml, that you need. In html file you may have: embedpano({swf:"krpano.swf", xml:"dir1/dir2/your.xml"...... To link krpano.swf in top level directory, use ../ instead of /

  • Thanks, however, I'm not sure that would work?

    My current folder setup on my webserver is like this: (Red files are for the viewer I want to move?)

    > country
    -> city
    --> building
    ----> roomA
    -------> roomA-tiles
    --------->"all the tiles"
    -------> skin
    ---------> buttons-2.png
    ---------> defaultskin.xml
    ---------> drag-cursors-2.png
    ---------> qvtr-cursors.png
    ----> roomA.html
    ----> roomA.js
    ----> roomA.swf
    ----> roomA.xml

    >>>>> roomB
    >>>>> roomC
    >>>>> etc...

    And I would like the all the files required for the viewer (show in Red above) to be in just one folder, maybe on the root of my domain, which I can then update easily. I know I will have to re-create/upload all of the panos again but that it is fine once I get this working. The links to the panos are from a PDF so they are not on a HTML page, so is this possible?

  • If you place krpano.swf in venues so in roomA.html you may have ({swf:"../../../../krpano.swf", xml:"roomA.xml" for roomB.html ({swf:"../../../../krpano.swf", xml:"roomB.xml"

  • Oh ok I get you, I will try that. Is there a way to stop the existing viewer files from being created for each pano as well? just to tidy those folders up?

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