IE11 Full Screen Api

  • Hi, HTML5 Full Screen API used in krpano works great on all browsers but you can't display any html content over krpano then...
    So instead of using krpano fullscreen method I use external javascript to go native fullscreen and then content can be displayed over krpano (great !)
    It works on firefox & chrome perfect, but on IE11 it goes fullscreen but displays a black screen instead of the pano and I don't understand why, this script works perfect with html content but don't with krpano html5...
    If someone has an idea ???

    here is the code :

    and a link to the demo :

  • Hi,

    the IE11 has some strange HTML5 fullscreen bugs - try to verify the resulting sizing of your html elements via Javascript. If the sizes are wrong (too small or almost zero) then try manually correct (try debugging to find out how).

    Or as alternative simply use the krpano fullscreen mode, then krpano will automatically deal with the browsers bugs.
    For adding custom html elements, you can try adding them to the krpano DOM structure.

    Best regards,

  • Great Klaus, you were right it was a size problem !!!
    It's working now.
    I tried adding my html elements to krpano DOM structure to use your fullscreen function with no success, I guess I didn't understood how it's working...

    Thanx !

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