Hide / Unhide layer witch "onclick" on hotspot

  • Hi,

    I'd like to add a hotspot in my scene and add an action.

    For example, when I clik on the hotspot, I'd like to laod a textfield.

    Here is my code :


    <hotspot name="spot8" url="icone_texte.png" onhover="showtext(Afficher une zone de texte,info-bulle)" ath="10.480" atv="-18.381" onclick="set(layer[textfield].visible,false);" />

    Here I can Hide the Textfield layer when I click on the hotspot ... But How the Textfield layer can be invisible by defaut and visible when I click on the hotspot and on course, the textfield will be invisible when I click on the hotspot.

    Hope you can help me. *wink*

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