<layer> images not loading - Maybe a CORS issue?

  • Hello all,

    Thank you very much in advance for helping.
    So I have this virtual tour of a car:
    Lexus VT
    It works perfectly fine on desktops and iPad.

    The client has embedded the same tour in this webpage (you need to click on the 'Interior View' tab at the top right.
    It works OK in the in the desktop, but it doesn't load any images for the buttons on the iPad.

    I've left opened the console to show the errors.
    I've tried to set the path in different ways, using %SWFPATH%, %CURRENTXML% and the full https:// url
    Every time I tried replacing the path using the above methods, the tour loaded the images, but only the first time!
    If I visited the page again, I had the errors again and didn't load the images.

    Any ideas what's going on?


  • A follow up just in case this can help someone in the future.

    After the client enabled the CORS in both servers, and followed this website instructions to set up the Amazon S3 sever to work with virtual tours... the images still didn't load!!!

    I was running out of ideas when I realised that all the images that didn't load had one thing in common. They were all PNG files.
    So I made a quick test replacing all the PNG images for JPG images and bingo! All of them loaded!

    So we can narrow the problem to just something going on with PNG images.

    Anyone has had a similar problem?

  • Here is the output to test CORS in the server.

  • The tour loads for me. Perhaps it's just a normal memory issue.

    The object vr performs HORRIBLY on an ipad.

    The interior view on desktop html5 may also have something wrong.. but it seems ok on my iPad. It loads so slowly almost like there's an infinite loop running somewhere.

    I don't see any evidence of images not loading properly or maybe I'm using the wrong links.


  • Hi Rafael

    I can only confirm that on my ipad same errors appear when page reloaded. First time loaded all fine. So many errors on reload. What is strange that first and last plugins are the of the same name!

    As I see same or similar images (all png are making troubles here) I might think out of the box that something is wrong with crop definition. No clue how this could be the case but tour images are loaded fine. No other images are loaded on reload. Are there potential limit on number of nested folders. Maybe underscores in some folder names. Try with simple folder names and dummy jpg plugin. Just brainstorming..... not of much help but...

  • Thank you very much for your time taking a look at this.

    It's truly a very estrange behaviour.
    The tour in the same location where the files are hosted works just fine on the iPad.
    It only behaves weird when its loaded from where the widget is hosted.
    Nothing to do with the widget at all, we already tried by loading only just the tour .
    It is definitely something within the server where the widget is hosted.

  • Code
    It is definitely something within the server where the widget is hosted.

    Looks like divs are being loaded via ajax with content. It's definitely a memory issue, not a cors.
    When I click on the interior and then back to the models, krpano is not unloaded at all.
    Try making normal links for the menu and remove all the ajax stuff or use an iframe and set the src instead so the content be replaced instead.
    If it was a CORS issue, it would say so.

    Also when you view the 360, the object is still loading and rotating images!? I'm surprised this even works with any performance on the desktop too.

  • Thank you very much to everyone who took his time to take a look at this problem.

    I managed to find a way to make it work at the end.
    Clearly the server (or the Amazon Bucket) that hosted the HTML files didn't like to load the files from a different server.
    So what we did at the end was moving the HTML file to the same server where the virtual tour had the files.
    Here is the result.

    Then everything worked like a charm.

    No one has any idea why it didn't work the other way.

    Sacha you said:


    Try making normal links for the menu and remove all the ajax stuff

    I already tried that in this example

    I think I'll never know what happened. Thank you anyway for trying to help.

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