Chrome detection Flash/HTML5 on Win

  • I have for testing my latest museum tour installed an Win 8.1 with Parallels on my new iMac

    I also have an XP so I can test it all on same machine.

    I use HTML5 prefer which seems to work fine.
    In XP IE8 and Firefox just automatically chooses Flash. Chrome and Safari both are able to use HTML5 and also this happens automatic.

    However the same Chrome latest version is not able to use HTML5 in 8.1 which is kind of weird as the virtual video simulation and ram is set to same on both XP and 8.1.

    But thats not the big problem. What Chrome does is that it does not choose flash automatic even if you have it but instead it gives you a yellow bar at the top which says something is wrong and Web GL has got a problem.
    Then it gives you 2 options ignore and try again.

    If you ignore it shows you the flash version so thats OK but if you choose the Try again option you just get a black pano without any other info. Nothing about Flash being an option.

    IE11 works great in 8.1 WebGL works perfect even with the virtual Video in Parallels.

    On Android Chrome is also the worst browser. I tested it on 3 different mobiles . My own galaxy note 2 and a brand new S3 + a new large HTC on all of them Firefox is superior in every way.
    It is 3 times faster than the standard Android which takes ages to load if you have a lot of html text.

    Also Firefox is the only browser where you do not have dancing hotspots.

    But les than 5% of Android users have it.

  • Hi,

    What Chrome does is that it does not choose flash automatic even if you have it but instead it gives you a yellow bar at the top which says something is wrong and Web GL has got a problem.

    The problem is that Chrome can't detect all GPU driver problems or bugs in advance. As this is an uncommon problem, I would say it's more a problem between the simulated GPU from Parallels and Chrome.

    On Android Chrome is also the worst browser. I tested it on 3 different mobiles

    Sorry, but that's not representative, I've tested a lot of mobile devices where Chrome performs pretty well.

    Also Firefox is the only browser where you do not have dancing hotspots.

    Android Chrome shouldn't have that too.

    Btw - with the final 1.19 versions the hotspots will be rendered also by WebGL. Then there can't be an asynchronity between the CSS3D rendering (the hotspots) and the WebGL rendering (the pano) anymore.

    Best regards,

  • Sorry, but that's not representative, I've tested a lot of mobile devices where Chrome performs pretty well.

    On my Galaxy Note 2 Chrome only works with the old KRpano.
    Not Multiresolution.
    What I get is as attached file. That is from your examples.

    I have 4.4.2 which is the newest for it,

    I can sometime by reinstalling it get it to work but with jumpy panning.

    As I sad I tested it alsoo on a brand new S3 whch had the same jumpy panning with dancing hotspoots and it took several
    reloads and reinstalling Chrome to get it working.

    As I never get this problems with Firefox or the standard Android browser it has to be Chrome that is the problem.
    Why the standard browser take so long time to load xml data is also weird. What Firefox loads in 9 sec takes 36-45 sec with standard browser.

  • Hi,

    On my Galaxy Note 2 Chrome only works with the old KRpano.

    With 'old krpano' you mean an older version without WebGL support, right?
    You could try using ?html5=prefer+css3d to get CSS3D rendering.

    Some Android devices have bad/buggy GPU drivers and Chrome fails to handle them.

    Only Google and Samsung could fix such bugs: Google could try developing workarounds and Samsung could fix their broken drivers.

    The problem itself was already reported a few times to Google - here some links:

    Best regards,

  • With 'old krpano' you mean an older version without WebGL support, right?
    You could try using ?html5=prefer+css3d to get CSS3D rendering.

    Not sure what version. I guess they must be a couple of years old so probably without WebGl.

    I can see that your normal panoramas have the same problem so it must be the WebGl that causes it.

    I have alredy tried using prefer+css3d for testing in Paralells and that does not work at all both in Win XP and 8.1. Half of the cubefaces get corrupted.

    I just do not understand that webGl works in XP but not in 8.1. The virtual video is the same for 8.1 and the Chrome version also same.

    I just updated my Ram so now I can apply 2048 videoram but that did not help.

  • Hi,

    the html5=prefer+css3d testing recommendation was intended for testing with Chrome on your Android device.

    About XP and 8.1 - they have fore sure not the same GPU drivers.

    In Chrome you could check the 'chrome://gpu' page for getting more information about the GPU support.

    Best regards,

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