Passing Variable from HTML to %$VARIABLE% placeholder in XML via JavaScript

  • Hi All,
    hi Klaus,

    I pass variables to my XML from the HTML in many cases successfully.

    Example is


    viewer= createPanoViewer({swf:"ANYPANO.swf", xml:"ANYPANO.xml", target:"pano", id:"krpanoSWFObject", html5:"auto", passQueryParameters:true, wmode:"opaque"});
    viewer.addVariable("root", window.location.href);

    The variable <root> can be adressed with this name within XML.

    Using this to follow the documentation given in:


    %$VARIABLE% - Use the value of the given 'VARIABLE' - this can be
    any krpano variable,
    but it must be defined before the current xml or scene will be
    loaded, e.g. already in the html file or before loadpano(), loadscene()

    in order to have a flexible INCLUDE STATEMENT like (using a placeholdername in my below example <myvariable_from_html_via_JS_here>


    <include url="%BASEDIR%/plugins/ %$myvariable_from_html_via_JS_here% / MyPanoDetailDefs.xml" />

    I get the XML load error showing the %$...% content unparsed.
    It looks, as if krpano does not parse the viewer.addvariable content into the %$...% construction.

    Any Ideas?

    use all the same xml files but INCLUDE different PARAMETER xml-files for Panos flexible called from outside via html:



    BTW - the parsing and passing works fine with variable used and read with <action>s but nit with in the URL ATTRIBUTE.

    Thanks guys

    Honi soit qui mal y pense ! *thumbup*

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