html5 mobile vtour issue after register... blue (no opaque) screen when drag pano

  • Help me please:
    Hi, when I drag any panorama using browser default of my mobile (no chrome, mozilla, etc.) a blue "alpha" (no opaque) layer cover my panorame while press the screen until release.

    That happen only after register krpano (1.18.1, 1.18.2, 1.18.3). The same project without register it works fine, no blue layer.

    If I run the vtour with another browser (mozilla) run fine too.

    My mobile is Huawei m931 android 4.0.3


  • Hi,

    that 'blue' sounds like the Android 'text-selection', but I don't know a reason why this should appear or how this should be related to the registered version only...

    Do you have a link to your example?
    And with what Android browsers and versions do this happen?

    Best regards,

  • Hi Klaus,
    My phone is Huawei Premia M4 or M931
    The info context menu:

    About the krpano panorama Viewer
    krpano 1.18.2 (build 2014-12-18)
    Android 4.0.4 (Huawei-M931)-Android Browser 4.0-WebGl

    The info about of Browser:
    Agent: Mozilla /5.0 (Linux;U;
    Android 4.0.4;en-us; HUAWEI-M931 Build/HuaweiM931)
    AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30

    The project link:

    That is very weird, always works fine unregister project, but once registered the "blue layer" appears when press the screen, delay about 1 sec and disappear, like a blinking. Is as "onover" event.

    Thanks for your help!!

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