How to make text on plugin's div be selectable

  • Hi. I use krpano 1.18.3

    I made a plugin in krpano.xml

    <plugin name="name" type="container" 
    devices="html5" keep="true" 
    bgcolor="0xFFFFFF" bgalpha="0.5" align="bottomright"
    x="10" y="90" y_opened="90" y_closed="30"
    width="20%" height="264" />

    then placed a text on it. But how to make it selectable?

    I did it only for FF - by using "-moz-user-select: text" css property for div with text. For Chrome and IE (-webkit-user-select and -ms-user-select accordingly) it does not work. In Chrome "-webkit-user-select: none;" is set for body element every time when I click on this text. Maybe there is some krpano property?

    Thanks in advance.

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