adding another action to existing ones

  • hi.. i'm trying to extend onentervr and onexitvr from WEBVR plugin so it'd load a 3d scene (instead of the actual one) when entering and doing the opposite when leaving

    currently they are defined as
    onentervr="skin_showloading(false); webvr_onentervr(); webvr_setup();"
    onexitvr="webvr_onexitvr(); webvr_setup();"

    i'd like to add, dinamically, in the begining of entering something like test_for_3d_scene(); and when leaving return_to_2d_scene();

    tried to log trace(plugins[WebVR].onentervr()); and trace(get(plugins[WebVR].onentervr()));
    to see if it returnd some string and it didnt..

    so is this possible?

    ty all

    the intention was to include another xml with the 3dscene
    that xml would add the action to entevr and exitvr
    onenter-> load_the_real_3c_scene
    onexit-> load_the_previous_scene

  • Hi,

    this should work:

    txtadd(plugin[WebVR].onentervr, '; test_for_3d_scene();');
    txtadd(plugin[WebVR].onexitvr, '; return_to_2d_scene();');

    and for removing you could use:

    txtreplace(plugin[WebVR].onentervr, '; test_for_3d_scene();', '');
    txtreplace(plugin[WebVR].onexitvr, '; return_to_2d_scene();', '');

    Best regards,

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