Can Videourl be changed by Set Command?

  • I'm trying to use videoplayer, and specifically to have the videourl set by an action.....

    In my video plugin name="vid1", I have

    Then I have this action..
    <action name="show_vid1" devices="desktop">
    set(plugin[vid1].visible, true);
    set(plugin[vid1].videourl, '../videos/test_video.mp4');
    set(layer[blackout].visible, true);
    tween(plugin[vid1].width, 800, 0.6);
    set(autorotate.enabled, false);

    This isn't working, I tried many, many different variations, but the video does not show.
    If I define the video file in the plugin, instead of in the action, it works fine.

    Is it allowed to have the videourl changed by an action?

    Thank you.


  • Thank you!
    I got it to work, had to make adjustments, but it works.
    Now I just gotta figure out why Videoplayer Time Bar doesn't work on krpano server. It works fine when testing the files locally, not on the server.


  • Now I just gotta figure out why Videoplayer Time Bar doesn't work on krpano server. It works fine when testing the files locally, not on the server.

    You're probably comparing Flash (locally in Chrome on file:// urls) and HTML5 (on http://) in your case.

    But generally the time/totaltime and loadedbytes/totalbytes values (they were typically used to draw/calc the 'time bar') should be available in Flash and in HTML5.

    Best regards,

  • Thank you, Klaus.
    Maybe that's it...that Timebar was written for an older version of Videoplayer.js? If that's the case, then Timebar should not work for anyone using 1.19.3.
    I haven't seen any posts about that.

    Using HTML5, I see the timebar flash on/off briefly, in the center of the screen, not attached to the video.
    Same problem occurs in Chrome, or IE.

    There's nothing I can do to fix this, it seems. I think all videos really should have a timebar, people expect that. Do you know of any other solution?


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