change a scene auto

  • Hi, *smile*
    I'm try using the autorun events for automatically change scene. With this event the timer start when I open the scene and the autorun event change the scene before finish the video 360. So, with KRPano is possible to change a scene automatically at the end of a video 360 for a new scene or start the autorun events when I click the "play" of the video 360?

    <!-- nextsecene -->
    <events name="autotourevents" keep="true" onnewpano="delayedcall(autotour,110,nextscene(+1));" onremovepano="stopdelayedcall(autotour);" />
    <!-- nextsecene end-->

    <action name="nextscene">
    add(newsceneindex, scene[get(xml.scene)].index, %1);
    sub(lastsceneindex, scene.count, 1);
    if(newsceneindex LT 0, copy(newsceneindex,lastsceneindex));
    if(newsceneindex GT lastsceneindex, set(newsceneindex,0));
    layer[skin_thumbs].scrolltocenter(get(scene[get(newsceneindex)].thumbx), get(scene[get(newsceneindex)].thumby));
    loadscene(get(scene[get(newsceneindex)].name), null, MERGE, BLEND(0.5));


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