no documentation for vtourskin.xml

  • Hi, is there any documentation for vtourskin.xml?
    i cant find definitions for some variables and properties like: y_opened, y_closed etc- i cant find any informations about them and how to use this for creating custom skins

    or what is common way to create custom skin? delete skin_scroll_window and skin_control_bar layers and define my own?

    also, can i delete this part from tour.xml file?

    <skin_settings maps="false"	               maps_type="bing"	               maps_bing_api_key=""	               maps_zoombuttons="false"	               gyro="true"	               title="true"	               thumbs="true"	               thumbs_width="120" thumbs_height="80" thumbs_padding="10" thumbs_crop="0|40|240|160"	               thumbs_opened="false"	               thumbs_text="false"	               thumbs_dragging="true"	               thumbs_onhoverscrolling="false"	               thumbs_scrollbuttons="false"	               thumbs_scrollindicator="false"	               thumbs_loop="false"	               tooltips_thumbs="false"	               tooltips_hotspots="false"	               tooltips_mapspots="false"	               loadscene_flags="MERGE"	               loadscene_blend="BLEND(0.5)"	               controlbar_offset="20"	               />

    i guess it shouldnt be problem because that is just for override


  • But then, if i will delete this custom skin file, do i need to define new functions for switching to new scene for example?


    because there is many actions and i dont think i can define all of them on my own

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