questions about krpano License

  • I
    want to use krpano to develop my panorama viewer and embed the viewer in my
    website. Other people can visit my website and view panorama video by the
    viewer. Which license should I buy? If I buy “krpano License” and “krpano
    Branding Free License”, is this enough? I have read the page, the
    item 8 says “Offering your licensed krpano version to
    third parties on a hosting platform is not allowed without 'krpano Hosting
    ”, but I can not find “krpano
    Hosting License” at buy list page. If I want to embed
    panorama viewer in website on one third parties hosting platform, do I need to
    buy “krpano Hosting License” ?If I need
    to buy, where can I buy it?

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