• Google bought Marzipano and made it free for all projects, including commercial. What perspectives do you see in this product? How much does it is competitive for KRPano in the future? Some are already predicting his destiny KRPano killer.

    "Marzipano is a 360° media viewer for the modern web.
    Supports all major desktop browsers and mobile devices.
    Embraces standard web technologies and provides a powerful Javascript API."


  • Very interesting and the engine looks promising. But I do share Andrews concerns about Google! It´s no secret that Google kills the pano-market and still continues to destroy the photographers income. And all Google-Photographers rather do´nt see it or they do´nt care about the fact that they are helping to destroy their own market and income *wacko*

    I do hope that Klaus can hold his ground against Googles Marzipano. Because I love the way krpano works and I really do love the minimized javascript-language krpano is using, which makes developing so much easier *smile*

  • I've been checking that viewer, and it's ok, but I can't see nothing that is not doable with krpano... yes they support video as well.

    I'm pretty sure that the amount of coding hours behind krpano, and all the performance issues that has been solved, marzipano still has to do this job...

    So from my point of view krpano is and will be the best pano player for many time !!

  • What I like about marzipano is that it's able to use an equirectangular source with HTML5, something that doesn't work in krpano. I'm not going to replace krpano any time soon for my panoramas, but marzipano has filled a special niche at least for my current project. *g*

  • You can use equirectangular image as well for krpano, from long time ago ;)

    … uh, not quite: while krpano-flash supports equirectangular images for playback, krpano-html5 does not: https://krpano.com/docu/html5/#supportedformats
    (not without converting it to cubefaces, but in the scenario I'm using it this is not feasible due to limited server resources)

    I don't exactly understand how marzipano does it (most likely with lots of triangular approximations and some WebGL magic), but for what I need it, marzipano does the trick with minimal coding effort and within the limitations of the hardware. I'm not dropping krpano (far from it), just saying that for this special case - quick panorama preview of a sized-down equirect - it's simply not been the right tool for the job.

  • Hi,


    krpano-flash supports equirectangular images for playback, krpano-html5 does not

    That's not correct - since version 1.18 non-multires, non-tiled equirectangular images are directly supported - please see here: krpano 1.18

    (the 'html5 documentation' page isn't fully updated yet)

    Best regards,

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