fading the radar plugin flicker troubles (new source?)

  • hi klaus,

    i have problems fading a layer containing my radar
    it always slightly flickers :(
    so i thought i have a look if i can find the problem in radar.js

    would it be possible to get the newest source ?
    the code you posted on the plugin site is from 1.18.1

    or.. do you know why it flickers?
    i suspect the redraws of the radar cone mess with the visibilty

    i just do it like below,
    but right with loadscene() call.

    <!-- ... calculate new position of radar ... -->
    copy(layer[skin_imagemap_radar].x, x);
    copy(layer[skin_imagemap_radar].y, y);
    tween(layer[skin_imagemap_radar_container].alpha, 1, 0.5, easeInQuart);

    (i tried both, calling loadscene before or after the tweening, but both flickers)


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