play an audio file only once

  • Hello
    I have a hotspot to activate an audio file.
    This is the code:
    <Hotspot name = "sonidoon" devices = "all" url = "on1.png" style = "tooltip" ath = "- 117" atv = "3779" scale.normal = "0.6" = "0.4" onover .desktop = "tween (scale, 1,0.5);" onout.desktop = "tween (scale, 0.6,0.5);"
    onclick = "PlaySound (music, audio / 1.mp3 audio, loops = 1, keep = false);" visible = "true" keep = "false" onhover = "showText (Audio Click to activate);" />
    It works well, but I want the audio file will play only once.
    I've tried: loops = 1, loops = false, but always play infinitely.
    how I must to make that the end of the audio, this may not play more?

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