Open Layer on VR mode on both "screens"

  • Hi.
    My sample xml file looks like this:

    <include url="plugins/webvr/webvr.xml" />
    <plugin name="WebVR" mobilevr_fake_support="true" /> 
    <image>    	<cylinder url="canyon.jpg" />	</image>	<hotspot name="hello"      type="image"      url="hotspot.png"      keep="false"      visible="true"      enabled="true"      handcursor="true"      maskchildren="false"      zorder=""      style=""      ath="-20.0" atv="0.0"      edge="center"      zoom="false"      distorted="false" rx="0.0" ry="0.0" rz="0.0"      width="50" height="50"      scale="1.0"      rotate="0.0"      alpha="1.0"      onover=""      onhover=""      onout="set(layer[p1].visible, false);"      ondown=""      onup=""      onclick="set(layer[p1].visible, true);"      onloaded=""      />	<layer name="p1" type="container" align="lefttop" x="50" y="50" width="250" height="250" bgcolor="0x000000" bgalpha="0.5" bgcapture="true" maskchildren="true" visible="false">	<layer name="txt2" html="data:atext" align="center" />	</layer>
    	<data name="atext">		<![CDATA[		<div>			<p>Hello <strong>World!</strong></p>		</div>		]]>	</data></krpano>

    I need help because I'm having two issues with this when in VR mode:
    - "Clicking" on the hotspot open a layer only in one "screen". (I've made the same test with the HTML Page plugin and the result is the same)
    - The layer opens with no content.

    How can I open on both sides?
    Also, what would be the best way to add HTML to the layer?

    Thank you.

  • i have information popups in webvr
    they are "merged" together from a background hotspot, an image hotspot and a text hotspot
    some positioning / alignment is possible, too
    this allows me to display the same info in webvr as in normal mode.
    also the ui needed adjustments, you dont want popup close buttons in webvr.
    it is pretty complex, but doable.

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