problems after updating krpano

  • Hi,

    I was using hotspots like this :

    <hotspot name="spot2" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="-112.559" atv="20.918" distorted="false" zoom="false" linkedscene="scene_01" sx="88" sy="8" ex="88" ey="8" />

    <style name="skin_hotspotstyle" url.flash="arrow-go-blue.swf" url.html5="vtourskin_hotspot.png" scale="0.3" edge="top" oy="0" distorted="false"
    tween(scale,0.25,0.5); tween(oy,-20,0.5); tween(alpha,0,0.5); lookto(get(ath),5,60); loadscene(get(linkedscene),null,get(skin_settings.loadscene_flags),get(skin_settings.loadscene_blend));
    if(get(sx), lookat(get(sx), get(sy), 90); , lookat(0, 5, 90););
    wait(BLEND); oninterrupt(break);
    if(get(ex), lookto(get(ex), get(ey), 120, smooth(100,100,200)); , lookto(0, 5, 120, smooth(100,100,200)); );
    onloaded="if(skin_settings.tooltips_hotspots, if(linkedscene, copy(tooltip,scene[get(linkedscene)].title); loadstyle(skin_tooltips); ));

    I was using sx, sy, ex, ey to set the view of the scene - lookat(sx, sy,90) and go to ex,ey - lookto(ex,ey, 120 ...)
    All was working fine in previous version. I have updated all my virtual tours to the newest krpano and it stopped working. Now it looks that get(sx)=FALSE
    Am I doing something wrong?

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