[SOLVED] strange error when entering vr mode on localhost

  • Code
    VM1632:1 Uncaught TypeError: _r.autorotate.interrupt is not a function     
    at Object.lo [as updateview] (eval at <anonymous> (eval at embedpanoJS (krpano.js:11)), <anonymous>:1:20781)     
    at Object.a [as updateview] (eval at embedpanoJS (krpano.js:11), <anonymous>:1:95451) 
    at Object.r.onResize (eval at embedpanoJS (krpano.js:11), <anonymous>:1:80547)     
    at Object.r.resizeCheck (eval at embedpanoJS (krpano.js:11), <anonymous>:1:80730)     
    at xf (eval at embedpanoJS (krpano.js:11), <anonymous>:1:25755)     
    at d (eval at embedpanoJS (krpano.js:11), <anonymous>:1:187244)

    Hi Klaus!

    I was just tasked to create a local version of our online materials and I'm getting the above error when trying to enter into vr mode. Note this only happens locally. Do you have any idea why this might happen? Thanks!

    EDIT: it was a rookie mistake, I used an old version of krpano (with a newer version of the webvr plugin). Sorry to everyone, pls delete this thread if you want.

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