Using different skins in one tour(standard pano+videopano)

  • Hi there!

    The situation is next. I need to use standard pano and videopano in one tour. So i have to use different xml skins for them. Lets say for the first one is defaultskin.xml and for another type videoskin.xml. All action is going on the page with buttons, which are interacting with krpano by js.

    How to do this without messing all together?

    I tried:
    *including needed xml under each scene - doesnt work, keep=false doesnt work too
    *I built a sample empty tour like:

    <scene name="scene_1" title="scene_1" onstart="loadpano(xml/scene_1.xml);"></scene>

    <scene name="scene_2" title="scene_2" onstart="loadpano(xml/scene_2.xml);"></scene>

    The new pano still has xml settings from previous pano.

    The only working way i see is to have xml in each scene and reload object by link each time: document.getElementById("krpanoSWFObject").src = "tour.html" + "?startscene=" + scname;

    Do we have any other solution? Or maybe any way to call needed xml skin throw arguments in link?

    Just for now i am using all in one tour with one xml skin, which is mix of standard skin and video skin.


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