Custom UV mapping of a cube

  • Hello, as in title, is possible to get or create or replace uv map of a cube ? I would like to manipulate UV map, is possible to get internal krpano UV map inside custom plugin etc.. ???


  • Hi,

    there is no 'internal UV map'... each tile is rendered fully, so there is no need to crop or map the tile texture coordinates in any way...

    But depending on what you want to achieve, you could try to use distorted hotspots to render a cube and the crop setting to use only portions of the image.

    E.g. (for a 1x6 1024x1024 cubestrip image):

    <style name="cubeface" url="cubestrip.jpg" distorted="true" enabled="false" width="1000" height="1000" />
    <hotspot name="left"  style="cubeface" ath="-90"  atv="0"   crop="0|0|1024|1024" />
    <hotspot name="front" style="cubeface" ath="0"    atv="0"   crop="0|1024|1024|1024" />
    <hotspot name="right" style="cubeface" ath="+90"  atv="0"   crop="0|2048|1024|1024" />
    <hotspot name="back"  style="cubeface" ath="+180" atv="0"   crop="0|3072|1024|1024" />
    <hotspot name="up"    style="cubeface" ath="0"    atv="-90" crop="0|4096|1024|1024" />
    <hotspot name="down"  style="cubeface" ath="0"    atv="+90" crop="0|5120|1024|1024" />

    (just as note - this above is just an example, just cubestrip image can be used/rendered also directly using the <cubestrip> image setting).

    Best regards,

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