• hello everyone :
    I create some elements in the tour.html,but when use the set('fullscreen', true),these elements will disappear
    so I use the methods to resovle
    let layer = this.krpano.get('control.layer')
    but ,there has another question:
    I use the button to execute the set('fullscreen', true) or toggle(fullscreen), then I krpano.call('WebVR.enterVR()'), these elements I create will still appear,
    if I call the enterVR first ,these elements will be appear,
    so ,how can I do to make the elements disappear when I set fullscreen then enterVR ,
    or is there any events to listen the vr ,when I enter or exit the vr , I can use the css style `display:none | block` to show the right elements?

    my want the elements is appear when fullscreen and disappear when in vr mode

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