loadxml effect and time doesn't work

  • Hi,
    I am using krpanoapi.actions.loadxml to change pano,

    this.krpanoApi.actions.loadxml(changes.panoXML.currentValue, null, 'MERGE', 'BLEND(10.0, linear)');

    but there is no effect happened at all, I already set 10s here, but it seemed the pano just changed immediately, with no effect, no time delay at all.

    Can anyone help to explain this? Anything I can do to make it work?


  • Hi,

    blending is only possible between two panos.

    When loading a xml which internally loads again another scene, then you're blending between three panos: first to the 'empty' xml and then there from that empty xml to the scene inside that xml.

    Best regards,

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