countdown time counter?

  • Did it anyone for krpano? I couldn´t find anything. I´d like to have some solution for autotur, showing how much time the user has to look around in recent scene before new scene loads.

    No problem for me to create something simple with showtext plugin and delayedcall action, but how to do it in some nicer way with some graphics (bar, clock, pie - you know it from the websites...)

    Any ideas? Thank you!

    Best regards,
    Igor Socha

  • Hi Igor,

    In your case, below may seem obvious but thought I would just mention...

    If I understand you correctly, just create a progress bar. You can find examples in Klaus' examples: Loading Progress and Video-Panorama.

    For a clock or pie graphic, my solution was to produce a series of graphics, each representing a 5% change. These are assembled into one long png file. The graphic you display in the layer or hotspot is a crop of that png showing one pie/clock face. Then use your delayed call action to find the percent completed. Every n% you simple change the crop to the corresponding pie/clock face.

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