Change the Thumbnails Orientation to Vertical

  • Good day,

    I am new to KRPano and been reading a lot of topics and managed to change my skin to this (screenshot_3).

    Now, I have a problem and got stuck with changing the orientation of the thumbnails to Vertical style.

    Can anyone help me with this?

    I am just running between this two codes. As for my understanding, these two are responsible for the Population of thumbnails and it's orientation.


    <layer name="skin_thumbs_container" type="container" align="lefttop" width="100%" height="100%" visible="false">
    	<layer name="skin_thumbs_scrollleft"  style="skin_base|skin_glow" crop="0|64|64|64"  align="lefttop"  edge="left"  x="5" y="50" scale="0.5" zorder="2" alpha="1.0" ondown="asyncloop(pressed, layer[skin_thumbs].scrollby(+2,0));" visible="false" />
    	<layer name="skin_thumbs_scrollright" style="skin_base|skin_glow" crop="64|64|64|64" align="righttop" edge="right" x="5" y="50" scale="0.5" zorder="2" alpha="1.0" ondown="asyncloop(pressed, layer[skin_thumbs].scrollby(-2,0));" visible="false" />
    	<layer name="skin_thumbs_scrollindicator" type="container" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF" bgalpha="0.25" align="lefttop" width="0" y="100" height="2" visible="false" enabled="false" />
    	<layer name="skin_thumbs" state="closed" url.flash="%VIEWER%/plugins/scrollarea.swf" url.html5="%VIEWER%/plugins/scrollarea.js" direction="h" align="top" width="100%" height="100" zorder="1" onloaded="skin_updatescroll();" onscroll="skin_updatethumbscroll();" />
  • To create vertical display of the thumbs don't try to re-build skin. It's difficult and not useful.
    Instead of it.
    1. in tour settings set thumbs="false"
    2. Use trhis part of standard code to crete your thumbs
    for(set(i,0), i LT scene.count, inc(i),
    calc(thumbname, 'skin_thumb_' + i);

    <--make design-->


    3. Don't forget to shift your thumbs over y (not X) coordinates

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