Embed XML inline on html page

  • Dear Klaus,

    I am trying to integrate Krpano into a website using Kirby CMS.
    For me the option of using inline xml seems to be the best way,
    in order to make the xml options available in the backend.

    I am using the code provided on the Krpano website but I don’t get it to work.
    I get the error on line 49:


    index kopie 2.html:49 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'actions' of null
    at Object.onready (index kopie 2.html:49)
    at sd.qc.init (eval at embedpanoJS (krpano.js:11), <anonymous>:1:214813)
    at embedhtml5 (eval at embedpanoJS (krpano.js:11), <anonymous>:1:215357)
    at embedpanoJS (krpano.js:13)
    at dt (krpano.js:5)
    at vt (krpano.js:5)
    at Object.e.embed (krpano.js:5)
    at embedpano (krpano.js:5)
    at index kopie 2.html:42
    Any idea what I do wrong?

    Thank you in advance

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