onstart scene invoke function

  • I whant to invoke function onstart in one of multiple scence, but it not working.

    If I make something like this its working fine:
    <scene name="scene_3" title="3" onstart="set(plugin[radar].heading, 0);"...

    But how to invoke javascript interface function?
    I tryed many things:
    <scene name="scene_3" title="3" onstart="startup2();"...
    <action name="startup2">

    or something like this:
    <scene name="scene_3" title="3" onstart="startup2(90);"...
    <action name="startup2" args="de">
    And I didnt get the argument value...

    Please help! )

  • Thank you! This is work for me.
    <action name="startup2" autorun="">

    But how can I pass arguments with type="Javascript" way?
    <scene name="scene_698_nw" title="698 nw" onstart="startup2('scene_3');"...
    <action name="startup2" type="Javascript" autorun="">

    I tryed wirth args="scene" - not working too.

    Edited 2 times, last by Alex_Shura1 (June 22, 2021 at 10:02 AM).

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