• Hello,

    I’m having some issues with upgrading a system using the krpano 1.0.8 kmaketiles program to the current 1.20.7 krpanotools implementation.

    The demo image I’m using with the old implementation produces 3 cube levels: 1750, 875, 438 which makes perfect sense as the tool calculates the face size to be 1750 and the levelstep is set to 2. The tilesize option is set to 512 in this case.

    When I try to run the krpanotools makepano tool with the same options it produces 3 cube levels: 1750, 1024, 512 which doesn’t work nor make sense to me. The tilesize is set again to 512, levelstep is set to 2. The face size is calculated to 1750 again so I would expect 1750, 875, 438 as the levels. (1750/1, 1750/2 and 1750/4)

    I did find out by manually setting the tilesize to 438, that the tiles came out correctly which seems to imply that the tilesize is being used for the minsize as well? Even though I have set the min size to 0.

    So, what is going on? Effectively I need the 1.20.7 output to be identical to the 1.0.8 output as I’m using an xml templating system on the back end that I can’t adapt.

    Any clarification appreciated.

    For reference, here is the 1.20.7 command:

    $ krpanotools makepano test-equirect.jpg -config=templates/multires.config -panotype=sphere -converttocube=true -converttocubelimit=360x1 -multires=true -tilepath=./tilecheck/tile/cube/[code=c]/tile/512/%l/%v/%h.jpg -tilesize=512 -levels=3 -minsize=0 -maxsize=1750 -jpegquality=70 -levelstep=2 -buildmobileimages=no -buildtabletimages=no -preview=false -cspreview=false -graypreview=false -makethumb=false -buildembeddedswf=false -xml=false -html=false -indexbase=0 -waitkey=false -jpegoptimize=true -jpegsubsamp=420 -manualjpegcompression=false

  • Hi,

    that was an old and long overseen bug that was finally was fixed in 1.20.3.

    Please see here for details:

    A way to adopt your code would be using the levelsizes setting to generate the levels in the opposite order.
    E.g. add the setting -levelsizes=1750,875,438 to your call.

    Btw - when using krpano the intended way *wink* - that means generating the tiles and the xml together - such problem would never appear.

    Best regards,

  • Thanks for the response!

    It hasn't quite solved my issue, when the image loads in the system, the default view is fine but when I zoom in, the pano breaks. I've no option to use the xml generated as this system is very old and I need the output of the modern tiler to match exactly the output of the 12 year old 1.0.8 version. I've attached an image of the kind of behaviour I see at high zooms, in case you have any advice.
    Since I'm upgrading from such an old version, I think it would be easier to upgrade incrementally, is there an archive of old krpano versions around? Or can you link me specifically to 1.19?

  • Hi,

    Since I'm upgrading from such an old version, I think it would be easier to upgrade incrementally, is there an archive of old krpano versions around? Or can you link me specifically to 1.19?

    With the correct settings it's already possible to get the same output.

    I've no option to use the xml generated as this system is very old and I need the output of the modern tiler to match exactly the output of the 12 year old 1.0.8 version.

    Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense at all.

    Best regards,

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