How to use Relative path with ../../ ?

  • Hi, please how to code this for network (locally run ok)

    <action name="panorama">popup('iframe', '../../%1/vtour/index.html?startscene=%2',800,600,false);</action>

    (I tried with %VIEWER%, etc. but I can't find de correct syntaxis using ../../)

    For example this run ok:

    <action name="foto">popup('image', '%VIEWER%'/imgs/%1.jpg');</action>

    Thanks for your help

  • Hi,

    there is no special code... the resulting path just need to be correct and accessible...

    Btw - here the syntax is wrong - the quote character after %VIEWER% is invalid:

    popup('image', '%VIEWER%'/imgs/%1.jpg');


    popup('image', '%VIEWER%/imgs/%1.jpg');

    Best regards,

  • Thanks Klaus,

    My question was about to use ../../ to open a iframe in outside directory. My mistake in "popup('image..." was typing the post no in real project, sorry.

    My solution is avoid to use ../../ to open a iframe, then copy iframe directory into main directory.

    Now: (ok)
    popup('iframe', '%VIEWER%/%1/vtour/index.html?startscene... etc

    Before: (fail)
    popup('iframe', '../../%1/vtour indext.html?startscsne... etc
    Maybe the fail is due to blank space in directory name.

    Best regards,

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