Add plugin dynamicaly via Javascript - krpanoplugin : local variable error

  • Hi,

    i try add plugin to krpano dynamicaly via JavaScript.

    My code :

    function krpanoplugin() {
    var local = this; // save the 'this' pointer from the current plugin object

    var krpano = null; // the krpano and plugin interface objects
    var device = null;
    var plugin = null;
    // same code from documentation

    than i call :"addplugin(test);");
    krpanoo.set("plugin[test].url", krpanoplugin());

    but i get error : Uncaught TypeError: local is undefined.

    can someone help me why in Javascript cant access pointer from the current plugin object ?

    Many thanks guys ..

  • Hi kme,

    I wanted to use a freely available plugin (

    My goal is to activate this plugin dynamically, i.e. after clicking the button.

    But I need to be able to change the objects that are being loaded. I don't want to load them all at once, but change them to an action - the user clicks on a button. Thus, an example:

    1. the tour is loaded.
    2. the user clicks on the button (add bird model). Now the krpano plugin must be loaded dynamically, in which only the bird will be defined.
    3. later the user clicks add wooden box, the bird is removed and the stork is added.

    The goal and necessity is to use this solution via Javascript. Because the objects that the user could add will change dynamically - loaded from the database. The available solution (…ad&postID=60149) provides the possibility to define in advance which objects will be added.

    However, I have to be able to control it via Javascript and only if the user really wants it.

  • Code
    plugin[test].url = function() { ... }

    assigning a function to an url doesn't work.
    normally the function(s) would be defined inside the plugin
    and you load the plugin by setting its url (with the path to the plugins js file)
    but if you have the function already, why load a plugin anyway ?

  • Hi indexofrefraction,

    i need call tihs function (from JS script) in pure javaScript file, no via XML (include plugin) :

    function krpanoplugin() {

    var local = this;
    var krpano = null;
    var device = null;
    var plugin = null;

    local.registerplugin = function(krpanointerface, pluginpath, pluginobject)
    krpano = krpanointerface;
    device = krpano.device;
    plugin = pluginobject;

    if (krpano.version < "1.19")
    krpano.trace(3,"ThreeJS plugin - too old krpano version (min. 1.19)");

    if (!device.webgl)
    // show warning
    krpano.trace(2,"ThreeJS plugin - WebGL required");

    krpano.debugmode = true;
    krpano.trace(0, "ThreeJS krpano plugin");

    // load the requiered three.js scripts
    load_scripts(["three.min.js"], start);

    local.unloadplugin = function()
    // no unloading support at the moment

    local.onresize = function(width, height)
    return false;

    function resolve_url_path(url)
    if (url.charAt(0) != "/" && url.indexOf("://") < 0)
    // adjust relative url path
    url = krpano.parsepath("%CURRENTXML%/" + url);

    return url;

    function load_scripts(urls, callback)
    if (urls.length > 0)
    var url = resolve_url_path( urls.splice(0,1)[0] );

    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.src = url;
    script.addEventListener("load", function(){ load_scripts(urls,callback); });
    script.addEventListener("error", function(){ krpano.trace(3,"loading file '"+url+"' failed!"); });
    // done

    // helper
    var M_RAD = Math.PI / 180.0;

    // ThreeJS/krpano objects
    var renderer = null;
    var scene = null;
    var camera = null;
    var stereocamera = null;
    var camera_hittest_raycaster = null;
    var krpano_panoview = null;
    var krpano_panoview_euler = null;
    var krpano_projection = new Float32Array(16); // krpano projection matrix
    var krpano_depthbuffer_scale = 1.0001; // depthbuffer scaling (use ThreeJS defaults: znear=0.1, zfar=2000)
    var krpano_depthbuffer_offset = -0.2;

    function start()
    // create the ThreeJS WebGL renderer, but use the WebGL context from krpano
    renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({canvas:krpano.webGL.canvas, context:krpano.webGL.context});
    renderer.autoClear = false;
    renderer.setPixelRatio(1); // krpano handles the pixel ratio scaling

    // restore the krpano WebGL settings (for correct krpano rendering)

    // use the krpano onviewchanged event as render-frame callback (this event will be directly called after the krpano pano rendering)
    krpano.set("events[__threejs__].keep", true);
    krpano.set("events[__threejs__].onviewchange", adjust_krpano_rendering); // correct krpano view settings before the rendering
    krpano.set("events[__threejs__].onviewchanged", render_frame);

    // enable continuous rendering (that means render every frame, not just when the view has changed)
    krpano.view.continuousupdates = true;

    // register mouse and touch events
    if (
    krpano.control.layer.addEventListener("mousedown", handle_mouse_touch_events, true);
    if (
    krpano.control.layer.addEventListener(, handle_mouse_touch_events, true);

    // basic ThreeJS objects
    scene = new THREE.Scene();
    camera = new THREE.Camera();
    stereocamera = new THREE.Camera();
    camera_hittest_raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
    krpano_panoview_euler = new THREE.Euler();

    // build the ThreeJS scene (start adding custom code there)

    // restore the krpano WebGL settings (for correct krpano rendering)

    function restore_krpano_WebGL_state()
    var gl = krpano.webGL.context;

    gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
    gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false);
    gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, false);
    gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);

    // restore the current krpano WebGL program


    function restore_ThreeJS_WebGL_state()
    var gl = krpano.webGL.context;



    function krpano_projection_matrix(sw,sh, zoom, xoff,yoff)
    var m = krpano_projection;

    var pr = device.pixelratio;
    sw = pr / (sw*0.5);
    sh = pr / (sh*0.5);

    m[0] = zoom*sw; m[1] = 0; m[2] = 0; m[3] = 0;
    m[4] = 0; m[5] = -zoom*sh; m[6] = 0; m[7] = 0;
    m[8] = xoff; m[9] = -yoff*sh; m[10] = krpano_depthbuffer_scale; m[11] = 1;
    m[12] = 0; m[13] = 0; m[14] = krpano_depthbuffer_offset; m[15] = 1;

    function update_camera_matrix(camera)
    var m = krpano_projection;
    camera.projectionMatrix.set(m[0],m[4],m[8],m[12], m[1],m[5],m[9],m[13], m[2],m[6],m[10],m[14], m[3],m[7],m[11],m[15]);

    function adjust_krpano_rendering()
    if (krpano.view.fisheye != 0.0)
    // disable the fisheye distortion, ThreeJS objects can't be rendered with it
    krpano.view.fisheye = 0.0;

    function render_frame()
    var gl = krpano.webGL.context;
    var vr = krpano.webVR && krpano.webVR.enabled ? krpano.webVR : null;

    var sw = gl.drawingBufferWidth;
    var sh = gl.drawingBufferHeight;

    // setup WebGL for ThreeJS

    // set the camera/view rotation
    krpano_panoview = krpano.view.getState(krpano_panoview); // the 'krpano_panoview' object will be created and cached inside getState()
    krpano_panoview_euler.set(-krpano_panoview.v * M_RAD, (krpano_panoview.h-90) * M_RAD, krpano_panoview.r * M_RAD, "YXZ");

    // set the camera/view projection
    krpano_projection_matrix(sw,sh, krpano_panoview.z, 0, krpano_panoview.yf);

    // do scene updates

    // render the scene
    if (krpano.display.stereo == false)
    // normal rendering
    renderer.setViewport(0,0, sw,sh);
    renderer.render(scene, camera);
    // stereo / VR rendering
    sw *= 0.5; // use half screen width

    var stereo_scale = 0.05;
    var stereo_offset = Number(krpano.display.stereooverlap);

    // use a different camera for stereo rendering to keep the normal one for hit-testing

    // render left eye
    var eye_offset = -0.03;
    krpano_projection_matrix(sw,sh, krpano_panoview.z, stereo_offset, krpano_panoview.yf);

    if (vr)
    eye_offset = vr.eyetranslt(1); // get the eye offset (from the WebVR API)
    vr.prjmatrix(1, krpano_projection); // replace the projection matrix (with the one from WebVR)
    krpano_projection[10] = krpano_depthbuffer_scale; // adjust the depthbuffer scaling
    krpano_projection[14] = krpano_depthbuffer_offset;

    // add the eye offset
    krpano_projection[12] = krpano_projection[0] * -eye_offset * stereo_scale;

    renderer.setViewport(0,0, sw,sh);
    renderer.render(scene, stereocamera);

    // render right eye
    eye_offset = +0.03;
    krpano_projection[8] = -stereo_offset; // mod the projection matrix (only change the stereo offset)

    if (vr)
    eye_offset = vr.eyetranslt(2); // get the eye offset (from the WebVR API)
    vr.prjmatrix(2, krpano_projection); // replace the projection matrix (with the one from WebVR)
    krpano_projection[10] = krpano_depthbuffer_scale; // adjust the depthbuffer scaling
    krpano_projection[14] = krpano_depthbuffer_offset;

    // add the eye offset
    krpano_projection[12] = krpano_projection[0] * -eye_offset * stereo_scale;

    renderer.setViewport(sw,0, sw,sh);
    renderer.render(scene, stereocamera);

    // important - restore the krpano WebGL state for correct krpano rendering

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ThreeJS User Content - START HERE

    var clock = null;
    var animatedobjects = [];
    var box = null;

    // add a krpano hotspot like handling for the 3d objects
    function assign_object_properties(obj, name, properties)
    // set defaults (krpano hotspot like properties)
    if (properties === undefined) properties = {};
    if ( === undefined) = name;
    if (properties.ath === undefined) properties.ath = 0;
    if (properties.atv === undefined) properties.atv = 0;
    if (properties.depth === undefined) properties.depth = 1000;
    if (properties.scale === undefined) properties.scale = 1;
    if (properties.rx === undefined) properties.rx = 0;
    if (properties.ry === undefined) properties.ry = 0;
    if (properties.rz === undefined) properties.rz = 0;
    if (properties.rorder === undefined) properties.rorder = "YXZ";
    if (properties.enabled === undefined) properties.enabled = true;
    if (properties.capture === undefined) properties.capture = true;
    if (properties.onover === undefined) properties.onover = null;
    if (properties.onout === undefined) properties.onout = null;
    if (properties.ondown === undefined) properties.ondown = null;
    if (properties.onup === undefined) properties.onup = null;
    if (properties.onclick === undefined) properties.onclick = null;
    properties.pressed = false;
    properties.hovering = false; = properties;


    function update_object_properties(obj)
    var p =;

    var px = p.depth * Math.cos(p.atv * M_RAD)*Math.cos((180-p.ath) * M_RAD);
    var py = p.depth * Math.sin(p.atv * M_RAD);
    var pz = p.depth * Math.cos(p.atv * M_RAD)*Math.sin((180-p.ath) * M_RAD);

    obj.rotation.set(p.rx*M_RAD, p.ry*M_RAD, p.rz*M_RAD, p.rorder);

    obj.scale.set(p.scale, p.scale, p.scale);


    function load_object_json(url, animated, properties, donecall)
    url = resolve_url_path(url);

    var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
    loader.load(url, function (geometry, materials)
    var material = materials[0];

    if (animated)
    material.morphTargets = true;
    material.morphNormals = true;


    var obj = new THREE.MorphAnimMesh(geometry, material);

    if (animated)
    obj.duration = 1000;
    obj.time = 0;
    obj.matrixAutoUpdate = false;


    assign_object_properties(obj, url, properties);

    scene.add( obj );

    if (donecall)


    function build_scene()
    clock = new THREE.Clock();

    // load 3d objects
    load_object_json("monster.js", true, {ath:+30, atv:+15, depth:500, scale:0.1, rx:180, ry:60 ,rz:0, ondown:function(obj){ *= 1.2; update_object_properties(obj); }, onup:function(obj){ /= 1.2; update_object_properties(obj); }});
    load_object_json("flamingo.js", true, {ath:-110, atv:-20, depth:700, scale:1.0, rx:-10, ry:250, rz:180, ondown:function(obj){ *= 1.2; update_object_properties(obj); }, onup:function(obj){ /= 1.2; update_object_properties(obj); }});
    load_object_json("horse.js", true, {ath:-58, atv:+7, depth:1000, scale:1.0, rx:180, ry:233, rz:0, ondown:function(obj){ *= 1.2; update_object_properties(obj); }, onup:function(obj){ /= 1.2; update_object_properties(obj); }}, function(obj){ obj.material.color.setHex(0xAA5522); } );

    function do_object_hittest(mx, my)
    var mouse_x = (mx / krpano.area.pixelwidth) * 2.0 - 1.0;
    var mouse_y = (my / krpano.area.pixelheight) * 2.0 - 1.0;

    if (krpano.display.stereo)
    mouse_x += (mouse_x < 0.0 ? +1 : -1) * (1.0 - Number(krpano.display.stereooverlap)) * 0.5;

    camera_hittest_raycaster.ray.direction.set(mouse_x, -mouse_y, 1.0).unproject(camera).normalize();

    var intersects = camera_hittest_raycaster.intersectObjects( scene.children );
    var i;
    var obj;

    for (i=0; i < intersects.length; i++)
    obj = intersects[i].object;
    if (obj && &&
    return obj;

    return null;

    var handle_mouse_hitobject = null;

    function handle_mouse_touch_events(event)
    var type = "";

    if (event.type == "mousedown")
    type = "ondown";
    krpano.control.layer.addEventListener("mouseup", handle_mouse_touch_events, true);
    else if (event.type == "mouseup")
    type = "onup";
    krpano.control.layer.removeEventListener("mouseup", handle_mouse_touch_events, true);
    else if (event.type ==
    type = "ondown";
    krpano.control.layer.addEventListener(, handle_mouse_touch_events, true);
    else if (event.type ==
    type = "onup";
    krpano.control.layer.removeEventListener(, handle_mouse_touch_events, true);

    // get mouse / touch pos
    var ms = krpano.control.getMousePos(event.changedTouches ? event.changedTouches[0] : event);
    ms.x /= krpano.stagescale;
    ms.y /= krpano.stagescale;

    // is there a object as that pos?
    var hitobj = do_object_hittest(ms.x, ms.y);

    if (type == "ondown")
    if (hitobj)
    handle_mouse_hitobject = hitobj; = true;

    if (

    if (
    krpano.mouse.down = true;

    else if (type == "onup")
    if (handle_mouse_hitobject &&
    if (
    { = false;

    if (

    if (
    if ( hitobj == handle_mouse_hitobject )

    krpano.mouse.down = false;

    function handle_mouse_hovering()
    // check mouse over state
    if (krpano.mouse.down == false) // currently not dragging?
    var hitobj = do_object_hittest(krpano.mouse.x, krpano.mouse.y);

    if (hitobj != handle_mouse_hitobject)
    if (handle_mouse_hitobject)
    { = false;
    if (;

    if (hitobj)
    { = true;
    if (;

    handle_mouse_hitobject = hitobj;

    if (handle_mouse_hitobject)// || (krpano.display.stereo == false && krpano.display.hotspotrenderer != "webgl"))
    { = krpano.cursors.hit;

    function update_scene()
    // animate objects
    var delta = clock.getDelta();

    if (box)
    { += 50 * delta; += 10 * delta;

    for (var i=0; i < animatedobjects.length; i++)
    animatedobjects[i].updateAnimation(1000 * delta);


  • I have modified the sample a bit to demonstrate some of the things you can do to proceed.

    1) load the plugin as indexofrefraction says:

    <layer name="threejs" preload="true" url="three.krpanoplugin.js" keep="true"/>

    2) I added 2 javascript functions inside the plugin:

    In registerplugin:

    plugin.addobject = addobject;
    		plugin.removeobject = removeobject;

    further down:

    function addobject(url) {
    		load_object_json(url,    true, {ath:-58,  atv:+7,  depth:1000, scale:1.0, rx:180, ry:233, rz:0,   ondown:function(obj){ *= 1.2; update_object_properties(obj); }, onup:function(obj){ /= 1.2; update_object_properties(obj); }}, function(obj){ obj.material.color.setHex(0xAA5522); } );
    	function removeobject(url) {
    		url = resolve_url_path(url);
    		var selectedObject = scene.getObjectByName(url);

    3) as we need to remove elements from the scene, we have to give them a name, so I added the following in the load_object_json() function:

    line 394:;

    3) I removed the loading of the horse in build_scene()

    4) I added 2 buttons to the krpano scene:

    <layer name="addhorse" onclick="layer[threejs].addobject('horse.js')" align="bottom" y="20" width="100" height="30" type="text" text="add horse"></layer>
    	<layer name="removehorse" onclick="layer[threejs].removeobject('horse.js')" align="bottom" y="20" x="120" width="100" height="30" type="text" text="remove horse"></layer>

    5) upgraded to the latest version of krpano

    I have attached these modifications here too.
    (could not attach, file too big, here is the project: )
    This demonstrates:
    a) how to add functions that you can call from within krpano actions
    b) how to load/unload objects from the scene

    What you should do from here
    - make the "addobject()" function more dynamic (now it only takes the url/name of the object, but you need parameters for the complete loading (location, textures, ...)
    - add code to cleanup your plugin (it's not done yet in this plugin)
    - better upgrade to the latest version of three.js too

    I hope I have given you some insight in how to approach this.


  • Hi kme,

    many thank for this example. all work correctly.
    I would need one last thing. is it possible to use such a function to add own THREE.js things to the krpano scene? for example geometries, boxes, meshes...

    my idea is that I will send the code for THREE.js to the function via Javascript, which will draw, for example, a box like this: but on the krpano scene.

    So, the ideal situation = to have a function with which I insert any code for THREE.js and it will then generate the required code after the action is started, example : :

    in my JS code:

    function test() {

    /* threejs code */
    box = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(500,500,500), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({map:THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(resolve_url_path("box.jpg"))}));
    assign_object_properties(box, "box", {ath:160, atv:-3, depth:2000, ondown:function(obj){ *= 1.2; }, onup:function(obj){ /= 1.2; }});
    scene.add( box );

    and then I call:"plugin[threejs].golive(" + test + ")");

    would it be possible ?

    Edited once, last by rostlerkk (March 30, 2023 at 1:28 PM).

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