Generate a v-tour with a depthmap using Riegl data

  • Hello,
    I have images taken with a Riegl scanner.
    The RiscanPro software generates a panoramic image and a depthmap.
    The panoramic is decomposed into a multi-resolution cubic image using Krpano tools.
    In order to use the distance measurement tool, I integrate the depth map with the line into the xml file created by Krapno tools:
    <depthmap url="modeles3d/ScanPos003-rgb-depth.png" scale="10" encoding="rgb24" hittest="true" enabled="true"/> => file : 230605_withDepthmap.jpg
    the panoramic view degrades very badly with offsets.

    If I deactivate the depth map, the panoramic view is of good quality : => file : 230605_withoutDepthmap.jpg

    On closer examination, my depthmap has black pixels (file : 230605_DetailDepthmap.jpg)? Is this my problem?
    Is it possible to correct this problem with a parameter?
    Can you give me an idea of how to solve this problem?

    Best Regards

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