Partial sphere - strange rendering

  • Hi

    I have a partial sphere, 94.7° * 65°. My psb file is just a part of a big sphere.

    I have created my spherical multires panorama with krpanotools, works fine, thanks Klaus.

    But when i view the panorama in krpano, for image type SPHERICAL, i have my horizon which is not horizontal?

    Did the kmakemultires bad configure my xml?


  • Hi,

    that's because the horizon is not in the middle of the image,
    try adding and playing with the "voffset" parameter here:

    <image type="SPHERE" multires="true" tilesize="934" voffset="+20">

    it shifts the pano image up (negative values) or down (positive values) in degrees,

    best regards,

  • Hi,

    But it is normal i cannot find this setting in the documentation?

    the documenation is still for version 1.0.7,
    I'm currently working on an update...

    either your the value of "voffset" is too extreme or you are using the wrong projection (CYLINDER / SPHERE),

    or show a link?
    that would make it easier to find/say the correct settings...

    best regards,

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