• It seems krprotectcl.exe doesnt accept file name selector such as "*" in -filelist file.

    If I am correct, all file names must be listed explicitly. Then it is very difficult to write a general command file for creating an swf-file.

    For example the number of tiles can be different for different panoramas.

    Any ideas how to automate this process?

  • Hi,

    it is also possible to pass a textfile which contains all filename of the files that should be embedded,

    kprotectcl -o=pano.swf -filelist=filelist.txt


    I was also considering this, but my panos are about 360x120, so I am not sure if such umages can be converted to cube faces.

    such images can also be converted,
    just try the "SPHERE to CUBE droplet" or edit/change in the .config file the "converttocubelimit" setting to:

    but the limits for must be set manually in the xml,

    <view limitview="range" vlookatmin="-60" vlookatmax="+60" />

    best regards,

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