Multi-resolution cubical using Flash variables

  • Hi,

    I can't seem to get multi-res cubical panoramas working when the viewer is initialized using Flash variables. The documentation uses the following XML as an example:

    I assumed I could translate this to the following Flash variables:

    Unfortunately, the viewer returns an "unknown attribute/path" for the 'tiledimagewidth' and 'tiledimageheight' properties, as well as 'unknown node/path' for the 'image.level.back.url' property (which I would guess is a result of the former error).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • I just remember the syntax for plugins and tried to apply that.

    so.addVariable('image[level].tiledimagewidth', '10000');
    so.addVariable('image[level].tiledimageheight', '5000');
    so.addVariable('image[level].back.url', '/panorama/tiles/versaille_b_l0_%v_%u.jpg');

    Got rid of the errors, but it's not working just yet. Would this be the correct syntax though?

  • Allow me to answer my own question for the people that are interested, I suppose I 'guessed' the correct syntax.

    // Level 1
    so.addVariable('image.level[0].tiledimagewidth', '10000');
    so.addVariable('image.level[0].tiledimageheight', '5000');
    so.addVariable('image.level[0].back.url', '/panorama/tiles/versaille_b_l0_%25y_%25x.jpg');
    so.addVariable('image.level[0].down.url', '/panorama/tiles/versaille_d_l0_%25y_%25x.jpg');
    so.addVariable('image.level[0].front.url', '/panorama/tiles/versaille_f_l0_%25y_%25x.jpg');
    so.addVariable('image.level[0].left.url', '/panorama/tiles/versaille_l_l0_%25y_%25x.jpg');
    so.addVariable('image.level[0].right.url', '/panorama/tiles/versaille_r_l0_%25y_%25x.jpg');
    so.addVariable('image.level[0].up.url', '/panorama/tiles/versaille_u_l0_%25y_%25x.jpg');

    Also looks like SWFObject 1.5 does not encode the values properly, so I had to urlencode the placeholders in the URLs myself. Still not working perfectly, but tiles are loading and the rest might have something to do with my tiling mechanism instead.

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